30 Women in History
30 Women in History is an eBook series designed for those who want to learn more about history, but struggle to find the time.
Each book contains mini biographies on various female historical figures. Some are famous, some are infamous, and some are unjustly forgotten. From reigning queens to social reformers, from scientists to literary greats, all these women deserve to be remembered in history.

Volume 1 contains a variety of incredible women from different eras and a variety of countries. Women such as Hatchepsut, the female pharaoh, Cecilia Payne the forgotten scientist, SOE agent Nancy Wake, and the first English female Doctor, Elizabeth Garrett Anderson.
Volume 1 is available to buy from;

Volume 2 features a further collection of amazing women from history including Ingeborg of Denmark, the Queen of France who fought for her marriage for twenty years. Maggie Lena Walker, the first African-American woman to charter a bank, and Nobel Prize Winner twice over, physicist Marie Curie.
Volume 2 is available on;